Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget
The employee is hrm part of this system,so Admin can create employee, some employee is doctor, accountant, biller, pharmacist etc
Attendance a powerful feature for the employee, you can easily give employee attendance
Manage and track all patient information via patient feature, also add appointment or admission by this feature
When a patient takes an appointment or admission he must participate in registration.
Appointment Manage
The appointment is a great feature for this system, this feature is meet up the schedule to doctor
Admission feature is a great feature. it’s manage admitted patient part
Physical Condition
Physical condition feature is managed the patient physical condition, like blood pressure, height, weight, etc. when doctor generate prescription then he sees this report
Instruction feature for admitted patients. any kind of treatment instruction doctor will write here
Prescription is a legal medical chart for the patient. the patient follows this and takes medicine
Discharge is a hospital legal document for patient release. when any patient take discharge then the hospital generates a document for release
Operation Theatre
An operating theater is a facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in an aseptic environment. also known as an operating room (OR), operating suite, or operation suite. this feature generates a record for operation patient
Birth Register
Birth registration is the process by which a childʼs birth is recorded in the civil register by the hospital authority. It provides the first legal recognition of the child and is generally required for the child to obtain a birth certificate and as a result any other legal documents and rights
Death Register
The phrase death certificate can refer either to a document issued by a medical practitioner certifying the deceased state of a person.
Admin can add all floor in the hospital, it’s just a record for hospital floor
Admin can add all room in the hospital, it’s just a record for the hospital room and easily find the room
Ward is a hospital ward like ICU, Neurology, Oncology, etc
The bed is a featured admin can generate all bed no and easily find it for his purpose
Bed Type
bed type is a category for the bed like gatch bed, low air loss beds, Circo-electric beds, etc
Bed Manager
Bed manage is a great featured for the hospital, admin can easily find available bed and see this details
Admin can add income, Income is the consumption and savings opportunity gained by an entity within a specified timeframe, which is generally expressed in monetary terms
hospital add expense via this feature, admin purchase any item then add it here
A patient’s bill of rights is a list of guarantees for those receiving medical care. so this feature generates a bill for patient
Test Category
Test category is medical test category like blood, x-ray, etc
Test Label
Test label is the list of test lists, like CBC, STD, thyroid panel, etc, admin generates it.
The test is a great feature. the doctor gives the test of patient and this feature generate some test for patient
Medicine Purchase
This feature generates medicine purchase list when hospital purchase medicine from vendor or manufacturer admin generate a purchase bill
Medicine Sale
medicine sale manage medicine sale to patient, pharmacist and patient info and sale medicine
Medicine manage all medicine list, hospital provide this medicine for the treatment
Damage & Expire
This feature generates damage medicine list. admin or pharmacist can add it easily
Medicine Stock
Medicine stock is a list of available or stock out medicine, pharmacist seen it and purchase medicine
Blood Donor
Blood donor feature manage blood donor list and stored reserve blood
Blood Stock
Bloodstock is a list of available or stock out blood, admin saw it and purchase blood or hire blood donor
Ambulance feature manages ambulance, admin add ambulance with driver information
Salary Template
The salary template is a salary grade for a full-time employee. admin create it easily
Hourly Template
The hourly template is a salary grade for a part-time employee. admin create it easily
Manage Salary
This feature manage employee salary grade and add their salary template
Make Payment
This feature provide salary in an employee, admin easily pay employee salary and see the record
Leave Apply
Leave apply is a great feature for employee. employees can easily apply for leave
Inventory is a great feature. inventory manage hospital asset management
any kind of notice can publish in hospital, so notice feature provide notice management
Event is kind of notice but people can join this feature. any kind of user can participate in this feature
Admin can create/manage post for frontend
Page Maker module cms in backend
Admin can manage menu management for frontend
Role & Permission
Unlimited User Role and Permission to assign user roles
Reset Password
Reset password of any user is now very easy
TPA is a third party admission part, admin can manage it
When iNiLabs release new update admin can easily update in new version
Advance reporting system for hole database and easily manage it
Administrator can manage system every settings options from this module, like general settings, frontend settings, email setting and many more
Multiple Advanced charts for account, users, payments, income, attendance and many more..
Backend & Frontend Theme
Integrated Theme concept for backend and front-end
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